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F.1 Project coordination, management and administration

Overall project coordination is done by the Coordinating Beneficiary BIO AUSTRIA Niederösterreich und Wien. In total, 17 beneficiaries from Austria, Germany and Italy are involved in the project.
To implement activities and decisions within different fields, five internal working groups have been been set up, which will closely collaborate with the management team:
- Curricula & Training Coordination group
- Stakeholder involvement group
- Public Education & Volunteering group
- Expert analyses group
- Communication group
F.2 After-LIFE plan
For the successful continuation and long-term effect of the best practice results from the LIFEstockProtect project, it is important to clearly define how actions will be continued and developed beyond the project duration. This will be described in the After-LIFE plan, produced in the last quarter of the project duration in German and English.