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A wolf relies mainly on its sense of smell and searches for its prey by scenting the ground with its nose and trying to follow it. If it encounters a fence that separates it from its potential prey, it will examine it to find a way to overcome the obstacle. If the fence is then under sufficient current, the animal receives a painful blow. Wolves are capable of learning. Thus, after such a lesson, in which the wolf brings fences and sheep into a painful relationship, it will avoid sheep and goats from now on. This is why it is so important that the lowest live strand of a wolf-proof fence is installed at the wolf’s “snout height”, so to speak, namely only 20 cm above the ground. However, if a fence is not energized, the animal will most likely find a way to dig under the fence in a suitable place. If a wolf is successful in its attempt to take sheep or other livestock with little energy expenditure, it will probably try again. There is a risk that this wolf will repeatedly try to prey on grazing animals.
How does a protective fence work best?
Electric fences, which are specially adapted to the behavior of predators, are an effective measure for protecting sheep and goats as well as horses, cattle and poultry.
A 230 V connection or 12 V battery-powered devices are recommended for fence power supplies. The joule output should be at least 5 joules, preferably 7 joules. Posts should not be more than 8 meters apart. Recommended electric fence height for alpine pastures: 90 cm.
Check and control
Good conductive material and short grass make it easier for the fence to have a voltage of 5000 volts at every point. Regular inspections also help to detect and rectify sagging ladders and fence holes.
Well grounded, well protected
For earthing, earthing rods made of non-rusting material should be inserted into always-moist areas on the floor or worked into bentonite. The measured earthing voltage should be less than 300 volts; if it is higher, new earthing rods must be inserted at a sufficient distance of 2 to 3 meters. In extreme cases of very stony or dry ground, it is also advisable to install a very close-meshed electric fence as a plus-minus fence. The electric shock is intense but gentler, as only a small part of the body is exposed to the current.
Why blue wicker fences are better
Wolves, sheep and deer have a so-called “red-green weakness” and therefore have difficulty recognizing the orange or green protective fences used up to now. The blue color of the new European Flexinet fences, on the other hand, looks good. Blue fences prevent unnecessary tangling and overlooking. Grazing animals and wild animals alike perceive the fence: some as protection and others as an obstacle. Existing fences can simply be visually reinforced with inexpensive blue and white flutter tape or it is best to use blue and white fences.
What fence height is recommended?
Herd protection should be feasible and reasonable. Extensive international studies have shown that a properly erected electric fence at a height of 110 cm is sufficient to repel wolves. If the livestock are grazed by dogs and/or shepherds, the electric protective fence can be lower, and a fence height of 90 cm also saves a lot of weight during transportation.