Livestock Protection in South Bavaria – online information evening

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In this online event on March 8th from 8 to 10pm, Bioland and the LIFEstockProtect-Team will give an interesting insight into how livestock protection works in Abruzzo, Italy, what the current support for livestock protection in Bavaria looks like and what should be done, if a dead animal is discovered.

  • In Majella National Park (established 1991) in Abruzzo, Italy, the wolf never died out. The farms in the area adapted to the presence of wolves and bears. Bioland advisor Martin Hermle will discuss how animals are protected on pastures in his talk about an excursion in September 2021.
  • Livestock protection is also supported in Bavaria. Does this count everywhere? If so, what is really compensated and supported, and in what context? Christoph Schinagl, Bioland advisor, will discuss the current support measures and will inform on what can be supported and how.
  • A dead animal on the meadow, obviously depredated – now what? Stefanie Morbach from the Department of Species and Habitat Protection of BUND Bavaria, and Manfred Wölfl from Environment Agency will talk about how to properly respond if a dead animal is discovered, as well as how and through whom the affected farmers can get support.

At the end of the information evening the presenters will give an overview on the upcoming activities of the project, especially where and when courses for the practical livestock protection measures will be offered.

Discover more from LIFEstockProtect: Herdenschutz Österreich, Bayern und Südtirol

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