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This year’s LIFEstockProtect partner meeting took place in Bolzano, South Tyrol.
The project partner Eurac invited participants to a two-day exchange and to discuss the progress of the project. In addition to presentations and updates from each organization participating in the project, there was also a media workshop with a journalist who was able to tell the consortium a lot about the world of media and communication, online and offline. Tips and tricks for dealing with journalists and social media were also exchanged. The media workshop was very important for everyone involved and for the success of the project.
As always, the personal exchange between the project partners was very exciting and enriching. As the project is transnational in scope, the framework conditions and contexts for Livestockprotection vary accordingly. This makes cooperation between all project partners somewhat difficult at times, but on the other hand it always reveals new perspectives, views and proposed solutions. That way, everyone can learn from each other.