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The second session of the LIFE19 Welcome Meeting took place this week with more than 200 participants. Both the coordinating beneficiary BIO AUSTRIA Niederösterreich & Wien and the European Wilderness Society participated in this meeting, which was organised by EASME and NEEMO. In this meeting, the coordinating beneficiaries of newly approved LIFE projects are invited to present their project to each other, and become more familiar with the Agency EASME that coordinates the LIFE programme on behalf of the European Commission.
Please also read: Attending the LIFE19 Welcome Meeting
Looking forward to the next LIFE period
The year 2020 marks the last year of the current financing period for LIFE projects. The programme is currently being revised by experts and will be published in the near future. In the opening speeches Angelo Salsi, the Head of Unit (EASME), shared some interesting details and achievements of the LIFE projects that are being financed by the LIFE programme. This was followed by a presentation from Frank Vassen from the Directorate General Environment – Nature unit. Mr. Vassen provided insight in the plans of the European Commission regarding the new EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, and what new focus topics will be important in the coming years.
Presenting our project to fellow LIFE projects
Following these first presentations, the participants were grouped in breakout rooms to present their own projects to others. The LIFEstockProtect project shared its breakout group with the following inspiring LIFE projects that focus on different mammal species:
LIFE BEAVER, coordinated by the Institute for Conservation of Natural Heritage (LUTRA), is focusing on the European beaver. The beaver has been locally extinct in Slovenia and Croatia for two centuries, and is now re-colonising its historical habitats. It has favourable conservation status in these two countries. However, its long absence means the beaver is now considered as a “new” species, and even a pest, with conflicts arising as the population increases. The project partners will improve awareness about the animal’s return, emphasising its positive impact on the environment. This will ensure public acceptance of the beaver and create positive attitudes towards the species. The institute will also strengthen cross-border cooperation between Slovenia and Croatia for exchanging best practices and synchronised population management.
LIFE BEARS WITH FUTURE, coordinated by Fundación Oso Pardo, addresses the brown bear population in the Cantabrian mountains, which has been steadily increasing, while climate change represents a serious challenge for its conservation, making hibernation more difficult. The LIFE project will therefore ensure that bears have sufficient resources by planting chestnut trees and fruit-producing trees and shrubs, as well as purchasing land and striking agreements with landowners for their cultivation. The project will also address conflicts that relate to shorter wintering periods, carrying out an extensive information campaign.
LIFE LYNXCONNECT, coordinated by the Andalusian Consultancy for Agriculture, Farming, Fishing and Sustainable Development. This project addresses the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) which is listed as ‘Endangered’ in the IUCN Red List. Its genetic diversity is among the lowest reported for any species, and current rates of natural migration are not enough to guarantee the viability of the global population. LIFE LYNXCONNECT aims to increase both the overall population size and the connectivity among Iberian lynx population nuclei, to assure a viable overall population and down-list the species to IUCN ‘Vulnerable’. The project team will consolidate four existing population nuclei, and create two new ones, by introducing captive-bred individuals, and creating stepping stones of favourable habitat to encourage gene flow between them. Actions will also reduce non-natural mortality by making road crossings safer, repair farm structures such as henhouses, and draw up agreements between landowners, hunters and farmers to reduce conflicts.
LIFE SYSEL, coordinated by the Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development, is all about the European ground squirrel. Once common in Central and Eastern Europe, the population and habitat range of the European ground squirrel is declining. The LIFE project will address this decline, carrying out grassland management to provide suitable habitat for the species and to re-connect its fragmented sites and thus boost its genetic viability. It will also tackle the threat of predation and lack of food supply, installing boxes and stone and wood piles, while planting favourable crops. It will also encourage replications beyond the initial target northwestern border area of its range.
We are very thankful to the support of the LIFE programme to turn the LIFEstockProtect project into practice. We are looking forward to sharing our experiences with other relevant LIFE projects, and look forward to learning from them vice versa.
Discover more from LIFEstockProtect: Herdenschutz Österreich, Bayern und Südtirol
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