Sheep and wolf: away from clichés

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Sheep are stupid, wolves evil: such sayings are heard again and again and are strongly influenced in the common psyche. But these are not only misleading, but also endanger the coexistence of large carnivores and farmers, as they lead to black-and-white, unscientific ideas about the wolf. It is therefore important to question these ideas in order to avoid the conflict between humans and animals.

Making prejudices about wolves visible

So tomorrow at 8 p.m. as part of the LIFEstockProtect project, a scenic presentation about clichés against farm and wild animals, called “Sheep & Wolf: not so stupid and not so aggressive”, will take place in the Theater im Hof in Bolzano, South Tyrol. The Naturmuseum South Tyrol has organized this adult-friendly event.

The event begins with a puppet show about a chicken and a goose encountering a wolf. This is followed by a conversation with sociologist Gerlinde Pölsler and Johanna Platzgummer from the Naturmuseum about the stereotypical attitudes towards sheep/wolves. Topics such as dealing with the wolf are explained. After the conversation, the audience can actively participate in the discussion.

Fun and knowledge

This event mixes theatre and live music with an interesting expert talk and is therefore bound to be entertaining. Hopefully in the evening outdated clichés of the wolf will be deconstructed. Only then can farmers obtain the best possible information and protect their animals appropriately. Providing up-to-date information at such events is an important task for LIFEstockProtect in order to avoid conflicts.

Registration for this free German-language event is required under the number 0471/980756 or 333/1033880.

Discover more from LIFEstockProtect: Herdenschutz Österreich, Bayern und Südtirol

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