The first steps towards guided grazing are taking shape

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Within the framework of LIFEstockProtect, several areas in Austria, Bavaria and South Tyrol are being professionally monitored over a period of four years in order to assess the impact of grazing on vegetation and biodiversity. You can read more information about guided grazing and the study in an already published article:

In South Tyrol, the second study area has now been defined – the alpine pastures in the Dolomites region Tiers am Rosengarten. In addition to a staff member of LIFEstockProtect, the responsible alpine supervisor and the vegetation ecologist and representative for the selection of the study areas were also present.

The situation in Tiers

A total of 3 shepherds take care of the grazing animals: two cattle herders with 249 animals and a shepherd with 180 animals. The high and low pastures extend over 270 hectares and are divided into more than 20 individual areas. A great challenge for efficient grazing and livestock protection!

The LIFEstockProtect team will develop a grazing plan in the coming years in order to optimize the use of the pasture depending on the growing season and at the same time to maintain it in the long term. At the high-altitude pasture fpr sheep, livestock protection will also be implemented for the first time this year. With night pen and shepherding, the animals are controlled. Like this, hopefully, the situation will improve compared to last year where several animals fell were predated and the animals had to be herded down earlier than normal. Livestock protection is intended to protect the animals from reoccurring attacks and at the same time the pasture quality can be improved step by step in the coming years through paddocking and shepherding. Through expert advice from LIFEstockProtect, the Tierser Alm is to be actively supported in this process.

Further study areas are currently being determined in Bavaria and Austria – we will keep you up to date.

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