From 16th to 18th of February, the fair “Pferd Bodensee” will open its doors at Messe Friedrichshafen. On Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m.
Tag: Livestock protection
LIFEstockProtect at the Green Trade Fair Berlin: Livestock guarding dogs in focus
LIFEstockProtect presents successfully at the Green Trade Fair in Berlin. Talks were held with interested parties, including Federal Minister Steffi Lemke. Livestock guarding dogs Tribolator as ambassador in focus. School classes were given informative insights. Commitment to animal welfare remains strong despite headwinds. #Herdenschutz #Tierschutz #Tribolator #GrüneMesseBerlin
International Green Week 19 – 28 January 2024 in Berlin: Inspiring the city and countryside for livestock protection
For almost a hundred years, the International Green Week in Berlin has been one of the largest and most important trade fairs for food,
The LIFEstockProtect team recently travelled to Brussels to attend a meeting organised jointly with the European Commission and the EU Platform on Coexistence between
How to store your battery over winter
The grazing season is over, fences dismantled and animals back in the barn. Before the first snow arrives, all sensitive equipment should be well
After several months, the LIFEstockProtect Competence Centres came together again in large numbers (online) to exchange ideas. Also present was special guest Andreas Müllauer,
Livestock protection in Trentino – the example of Malga Tuena
It was a mixed group that met for the livestock protection course: farmers, shepherds, vets and WWF representatives, some from South Tyrol and some
Third volunteer training course successfully held in 2023
At three training sessions this year, we briefed 34 volunteers who want to get actively involved in livestock protection on the basics of livestock
We are pleased to announce a series of webinars on the topic of livestock protection for the coming autumn/winter season. This ongoing course serves
Excursion to the Abruzzo region
LIFEstockProtect, together with Maschinenring Tirol, organised an excursion for shepherds, mountain pasture managers, and sheep and cattle farmers. The excursion took the participants to